Teaching and resources

Data wrangling in R

Class materials

I teach two classes here at the KDI School for which I have made my materials publicly available. In both cases:

Applied microeconometrics in R

I teach an advanced masters/Ph.D. class on applied microeconometrics in R. The resources are available on my Github page, here.

Geospatial data analysis in R

I teach a masters class on geospatial data analysis in R. The resources are available on my Github page, here.

Working with others

I put together some slides for our Ph.D. students focused on setting up projects when working with others. These slides focus on two things:

  1. Using Dropbox to keep all files up to date
  2. Using relative paths so that files run on everyone’s computer

You can view the slides here.

Geospatial data and small area estimation

Stay tuned for a primer aimed at discussing the ins and outs of integrating geospatial data and survey data for small area estimation in R, with a particular emphasis on improving estimates of SDGs.